We are two sisters (Nicola and Gemma) who are passionate about health and well-being. We aim to help you understand the fundamentals of fat loss, balance and self-care to inspire a healthy and happy lifestyle. Through evidence-based nutritional education, one-to-one support and tailored coaching, we get our clients results so they can prioritise health and ditch the yo-yo dieting. Being both MNU certified nutritionists, nutrition and coaching are passions of ours and we are always embarking upon CPD courses to continue our learning and keep our knowledge up to date so our clients receive the best experience possible. We have already helped hundreds of clients to expand their understanding of nutrition and how it can be such a positive aspect of their lifestyle in so many ways from physical health to emotional wellbeing to how they view themselves. Take a wee nosey around our site to see how we can help you too!

I’m a busy mother of 3 wonderful children and wife to Ade so I understand the pressures of family life and running a business. Throughout my younger years my interests lay in art where I found myself complete a degree at DofJ at Dundee University. However, my true passion was always in nutrition. Using my creativity and knowledge about food to create recipes that my whole family can enjoy is very important to me. When I experienced a major trauma in my 20’s I worked hard to learn about self-compassion and had a strong desire to help others. It made sense to combine this with my one true passion and so NAFitfood was born. With my nutritional knowledge and level 3 PT qualification, I have been given so many opportunities to play an important coaching role in the lives of others and I absolutely love it!

I am married happily to Neil and getting to live the dream, working on this business with my big sis! I learnt over the years that the stresses of daily life were far more manageable when I introduced regular exercise and a balanced way of eating into my life. Both have helped me deal with many things from physical and emotional health, IVF, a healthy pregnancy, the birth of Felix and a highly stressful (previous) career. My background lies in teaching (17 years as an English teacher!) and I love being able to boost a person’s life in some way through education so they can learn new skills and thus grow in many ways. Playing a coaching role in the life of my clients is not something I take for granted, it is an honour and a privilege.