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Granny's Wheaten Bread

Ingredients - serves approx 12 (depending on the size of your slice!)

500g Wholemeal flour

500ml Buttermilk

1.5 tsp baking powder

1.5 tsp salt


Pre-heat oven to 180* and line a baking tray with greaseproof paper.

Mix all ingredients together to form a sticky dough.

Turn the dough onto a floured surface and knead a few times.

On your baking tray, shape yopur dough into a ball about 2 inches thick.

Score a cross on the top.

Bake for 35-40 mins.

Let cool for 30 mins.

Nutritional information

Approximate calories per serving: 163

C 30g

P 6.5g

Fibre 3.2g


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